Maureen dedicates time to not just the podcast, but her blog as well. Easily once a week she tries out and posts a gluten free recipe, passes on some news in the Celiac Disease world, or takes the time to post information that she felt was important to others living a gluten free life. She's also involved in the social media world of twitter and facebook, connecting with others that share her food intolerance. I have to say, it's becoming quite a good community, and so many people are willing to help out each other, welcome the newbies, and respond to help requests. I can definitely see that being active there can, and has, helped out those that are struggling.
So Maureen's podcast is eleven months old, her blog is almost a year old, EaglesFanCast (my podcast) is 21 months old, and I have a new blog project launching in a couple of weeks. (More on that in a post very soon.) I love this type of thing. But it's kept me from posting here on a regular basis. I know I said earlier this year that I would try, it's just been tough. So many things to do, ya know? Time does seem to go faster now that I'm