Jan 2, 2009

New Years Determinations

Everyone seems to make them, the dreaded "New Years Resolutions." Even those that determine not to make them, have thus made one. The definitions vary on what the whole concept is, and I guess we all make the mistake of only making them at the very beginning of the year. So do we all just either finish or abandon them, then just skate by the last few months? There's even plenty of talk about how they are not even good for you to do in the first place... that whole "setting yourself up for failure" thing. But just about every blog, news source and site have their own resolutions for you to read.

I'm jumping on board this year, and I'll see how I do throughout the year and revisit it in December. I'll group them into two categories: Personal and Professional. Under the "Pro" I'll lump in my full-time job as well as my blogging/podcasting side of life, so as not to make it too complicated.

  • Be a better Father, Husband, Son and Friend
  • Become Healthy
  • Go (more) Green
  • Confront a "demon" and move past it
  • Learn more about who my natural Father was
  • Reach out to more family on a more regular basis
  • Spend less
  • Teach my children about our world as a friend, not a parent
  • Enjoy the moment
  • Organize more, be overwhelmed less
  • Pursue more technical training
  • Help my friends with their projects
  • Take EaglesFanCast to next level
  • Expand HoldTheGluten into more
  • Centralize my online presences
  • Launch a new online project
  • Blog more

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